The Dutch Twin Towers, Bram Meijer and Uriel Maarsen, will compete tomorrow for their first win of the 2019 season at the World Padel Tour. At 12.30 they will face Spaniards Francisco Gonzales de Rafael (20) and Héctor Guisande Fraga (19) for the first round of the pre-qualification tournament of the Vigo Open 2019.
Gonzales de Rafael is ranked at 248 and is based in A Coruña. He is a 1.87 tall heavy
For an eventual second match, Maarsen-Meijer will face more experienced Mario el Castillo Marin (21) and Anton Sans Riola (23). This team benefited from a “bye” and are usual participants of the pre-qualification round of the World Padel Tour who often reach the second match. They are ranked 94 and 89 at World Padel Tour.